An overdraft occurs when your bank charges exceed the available balance in your account. In other words, you are spending more than you have in your bank’s checking account. Even though you have insufficient funds in your account, the bank may still allow the transaction. Typically, the bank will charge an additional fee when you overdraft your account.
Living sustainably is an issue that is growing more and more prevalent in society. But how can each of us make a change and live to be greener? The everyday choices we make in our daily lives, even the smallest and most mundane, can amount to making big effects on the environment.
Inflation refers to the increase in the prices of goods and services in the economy. This causes a unit of currency to effectively be worth less than it was at a lower inflation rate.
There isn’t a correct figure when it comes to how much rent you should be paying. But in the UK, basic housing expenses, including rent and utilities, should cost no more than 30% of your monthly income.
Online payday loans can be a quick and easy way to access money before your next payslip. These short-term forms of borrowing money can provide a little extra financial help when needed. Understanding what a payday loan is, what they’re used for, and how you can get one will help determine whether this form of funding suits your circumstances.